Devotional: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James 1:19-27 Reflection Read first James 1:19-27 Then Matthew 5:44-48 (Mat 5:44 ESV) But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, (Mat 5:45 ESV) so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun...
Devotional: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James 1:13-18

Devotional: James 1:13-18 Reflection Read James 1:13-18 Read Matthew 5:17-37 Read Romans 8 (whole chapter) Discussion God created us and continues to sustain us because it pleases Him to do so.  He is a good God in His benevolent treatment of us and He is also a great...
Devotional: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James 1:2-12, Matthew 5:1-16

Devotional: James 1:2-12, Matthew 5:1-16 Reflection Read James 1:2-12 Read Matthew 5:1-16 Discussion I think Christianity sells more if we make it more friendly.  If we use encouraging messages about a god who wants to make you mighty in this world and give you all...
Devotional: James 1:19-27

Devotional: James 1:1, Matthew 5

Devotional: James 1:1, Matthew 5 Reflection Read first James chapter 1 Then read Matthew chapter 5 Discussion One key characteristic of the books of the Bible is their unity.  That these books all work in agreement and align with one another in both their message and...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Church

Devotional: Doctrines: The Church

Devotional: Doctrines: The Church Reflection The church is both the universal and local people called by the Holy Spirit and redeemed by Jesus alone.  Our citizenship is secure in heaven and our devotion on earth is the work of God.  We are baptized into His body and...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Church

Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible Reflection The Bible is the inspired Word of God given to His people and revealed by the Holy Spirit.  It is complete and without error in its content and given to individual believers with the intent of instructing them in who God is...