
How does God reveal Himself to people?


Angels show up throughout the Bible in a number of ways.  From mighty warriors to ministering spirits, we see angels doing the work of God in both the Old and New Testaments.  At the birth of Jesus an angel brings messages to four different people/groups: Zacheriah, Joseph, Mary, and a group of shepherds.  Nothing is outstanding about the people the angel Gabriel comes to, but the message he brings is the greatest news the earth will ever hear: Your savior is coming!


As we look at these encounters, consider the truth that God does not change and His message does not change.  The way that the message delivered does change for the person receiving it.  


God still communicates with His people and He does so through His Word, the Bible.  We hold the very Word of God in our hands every day.  Justin Peters is quoted as saying, “If you want to head God speak, read the Bible out loud.”   


We hold the message of God to His people in our hands!  Something countless generations before us never imagined.


  • Zechariah: Luke 1:8-25
  • Joseph: Matthew 1:18-25
  • Mary: Luke 1:26-38
  • The shepherds: Luke 2:8-15


  • Mary a teenage girl from nowhere
    • No name family
    • No seat of power
    • Just some girl
  • Joseph
    • Equally un-noted
    • A carpenter
    • Blue collar
    • Not wealthy
  • Shepherds
    • Outcasts in many ways
    • Lived outside the towns
    • With animals
    • Dirty, stinky
    • Often seen as lowlifes when the showed up.
  • Zechariah
    • The only one with an position
    • The religious official
    • The only one to mark unbelief!


  • Which of these characters do you relate to the most?  Why?


  • What is significant about the way Gabrial varies his delivery to each of these people?


  • Is it significant that the one character with the most religious position is also the one with the most unbelief?

How can we pray for you this week?