SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

Opening When was a time that you found yourself outside the norm in your family, community, or friend-group? Context Most of the Jews and the Romans missed Jesus the Messiah when He was on the earth.  From the obscure birth in the small town of Bethlehem to the...
SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

SG: Characters of Christmas: The Inn Keeper

Opening Share of a time that you were so close to something, yet just not close enough.  Maybe 4 of five numbers in the lotto or a massive pileup on the highway you were one minute shy of. Context The Innkeeper was so close to not only seeing Jesus the Messiah, but...
SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

SG: Characters of Christmas: Mary and Joseph

Opening What in your life did it seem time slowed down for?  This might be In a good way in cherishing the moment or in an impatient way in taking far too long. Context Israel had waited four hundred years for a Word from God.  That word comes in two parts: The...
SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

Characters of Christmas: The Angels

Opening How does God reveal Himself to people? Context Angels show up throughout the Bible in a number of ways.  From mighty warriors to ministering spirits, we see angels doing the work of God in both the Old and New Testaments.  At the birth of Jesus an angel brings...