Sunday Notes: Malachi 2:1-9

  • (Mal 2:1 ESV) “And now, O priests, this __________ is for you.
    • The priests of Israel were a special group
      • Their career and legacy was in keeping the law of Moses and helping the nation stay faithful
      • It was the priests who ran the temple of God
        • They took the __________, performed the rituals, and made the __________ for the people
      • To be a priest in OT Israel…
        • You had to be born into the tribe of __________the you worked in the priesthood all of your life
  • (Mal 2:2 ESV) If you will not listen, if you will not take it to heart to give __________ to my name, says the LORD of hosts, then I will send the curse upon you and I will __________ your blessings. Indeed, I have already cursed them, because you do not lay it to __________.
  • (Mal 2:3 ESV) Behold, I will rebuke your __________, and spread dung on your faces, the __________ of your offerings, and you __________ be taken away with it.
    • If you will not listen
      • You priests set apart, you holy men divinely called to this work of God
      • If you will not listen to the __________ of God
    • Then I will send the curse upon you
    • And I will curse your blessings
      • You will feel the wrath of God
        • No longer set apart FOR God
        • Now set apart FROM God
    • Indeed I have already __________ them
      • Note the pronoun change
        • I have already cursed __________
          • A __________ person pronoun
        • Who is this talking about now?


  • God has already cursed them
    • He has already cut them off and turned them over to their sin
  • Behold I will rebuke your __________
    • The promise here is that those __________ generations of priests
      • They would be cut off like the current
  • And spread __________ on your faces, the dung of your offerings and you shall be taken away with it
    • This was literally the feces inside of the sacrificial animal
    • You shall be covered in the refuse and removed just like it
    • Like the priests then, the teachers in the church today are called to a higher expectation and promised a greater judgment
      • James 3:1, Hebrews 13:17
  • (Mal 2:4 ESV) So shall you know that I have sent this command to you, that my covenant with __________ may stand, says the LORD of hosts.
  • (Mal 2:5 ESV) My covenant with him was one of life and p__________eace, and I gave them to him. It was a covenant of fear, and he feared me. He stood in awe of my __________.
  • (Mal 2:6 ESV) True __________ was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and __________, and he turned many from iniquity.
  • (Mal 2:7 ESV) For the lips of a priest should guard __________, and people should seek instruction from his mouth, for he is the __________ of the LORD of hosts.
    • The covenant with Levi
      • __________ is a pagan and God comes to him one day
        • Genesis 12:1-7
        • Some 25 years after the call of Abraham he is finally given the promised son
        • __________ is born around 2066 BC
        • He has twin __________ around 2006 BC
          • Jacob – who will carry the line on
          • Esea – who fathers another nation
        • Jacob father 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of __________
          • One of them is named __________ from whom we get the Levites.
          • Levi’s daughter Jochebed has three kids with a guy named Aram 
            • Mirian, Aaron, Moses
      • Numbers 2:33, Numbers 3:1-13
        • God ordained this group in the nation to lead His people in their __________
          • They are set apart for this work
          • And this work only.
        • As humans often do, they drop the ball
          • Numbers 3:4
  • (Mal 2:8 ESV) But you have turned __________ from the way. You have caused many to stumble by your instruction. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi, says the LORD of hosts,
  • (Mal 2:9 ESV) and so I make you despised and __________ before all the people, inasmuch as you do not keep my ways but show partiality in your instruction.”
    • Now over __________ years later the priesthood is totally off the rails
      • The priests have turned aside
        • But over and above that they are __________ the people things counter to the truth of God
      • And God has had enough
        • This word to the prophet Malachi is God’s final say in this matter
        • He will not stand for the priests of Israel any longer
          • They will not be His set apart group
          • They will be cast out
  • Jude 1:1-19
    • This was true of the old covenant __________ in Malachi’s day
    • It was true of the __________ covenant priesthood in Jude
      • It is the trend isn’t it?
        • Satan – fell – A third of the __________ – followed
        • Adam and Eve – fell – __________ followed
        • Cain __________ God
        • Noah, the only righteous man around, after the __________ – fell
        • Abraham – fell
        • Sodom and __________ destroyed
        • __________ and Aaron – fell
        • The great King __________ – he fell too
      • In our day too there are lines and lines of people following a false idea of God
        • Creating their own religion on their desires instead of shaping their lives around the Bible
      • Let us, however, lean into the truth of God Word
      • Let Him __________ your mind
        • Your heart
        • Your will
      • That we may stand before God one day to hear:
        • (Mat 25:21 ESV) His master said to him, ‘Well done, __________ and __________ servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’