Sunday Notes: Malachi 4:1-6

  • (Mal 4:1 ESV)  “For __________, the day is coming, burning like an __________, when all the arrogant and all __________ will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them __________, says the LORD of hosts, so that it will leave them __________ root nor branch.
    • In the day of __________ God destroyed almost all life on earth with __________
      • Genesis 6:5-9, 2 Peter 3:7-14
  • (Mal 4:2 ESV) But for you who __________ my name, the __________ of righteousness shall rise with healing in its __________. You shall go out leaping like __________ from the stall.
    • But for you who fear my name
      • This is the idea of __________, not horror
    • The sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings
      • Isaiah 30:26, Acts 26:12-15
      • Those who __________ the Lord
        • We will bask in the __________ of His glory
        • We will feel the warmth of His __________
      • For those __________ from God
        • They will __________ like grass in the fire
    • You shall go out leaping like __________ from the stall
      • This healing we will experience in the __________
        • It is spiritual
        • It is fixing the corruption of __________
        • It is reversing the __________ of humanity
        • This is our restoration!
          • 1 Peter 2:24
  • (Mal 4:3 ESV) And you shall tread down the __________, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the __________ of hosts.
  • (Mal 4:4 ESV) “Remember the __________ of my servant __________, the statutes and rules that I commanded him at Horeb for all __________.
    • James 2:9-13
    • They were commanded to live according to the law of Moses.
    • We do not escape that and more in the __________ Covenant
      • We are all __________ who have all failed in keeping some part of the law
      • We are all in need of God’s __________
        • And fortunately He is merciful to us
        • As He was for Israel
        • And those Christian before us
        • God is __________ to His __________
  • (Mal 4:5 ESV) “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.
    • __________ __________ __________ is coming
      • And God will not speak again until he arrives.
    • Then there is something of a time warp
      • JTB does come and the __________ follows in this __________ coming
        • But it is not complete yet
  • (Mal 4:6 ESV) And he will turn the hearts of __________ to their children and the __________ of children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the __________ with a decree of utter __________.”
    • This is __________ at the first coming of Christ.
      • There is going to another event that will turn the whole of __________ around
      • Returning the world to the perfection of __________
    • This idea of utter destruction is the renewing of all things
      • That __________ has come 
        • He has __________ His people
        • We are made __________
        • We are __________
      • And He promises to come back
        • Where He will renew all of __________
    • When __________ __________ __________ comes it it does kick off the __________ Testament
      • The new __________ we are under
      • The covenant of the __________
      • See we are in this inbetween
        • We await the full __________ of the Messiah
        • The __________ of all things
        • When EVERY knee will __________
        • And EVERY tongue __________.
        • That Jesus  is Lord.
          • Foretold in Isaiah
            • Isaiah 40:1-3
          • Fulfilled in Luke
            • Luke 1:11-20
          • Explained by Jesus
            • Luke 7:24-30, Matthew 17:1-13
    • We are in the middle
      • We have __________ as His people
        • But we live in a __________ world still
        • Waiting for the full __________ of all creation.
    • There is promised in Mal__________achi
      • The great and awesome day of the __________ is coming
      • The restoration of all is coming
    • James 2:14-26, Hebrews 10:23-31
    • This is major in the life of a believer
      • You are responsible for living according to the __________
      • And judgment is guaranteed if you do not.
      • As His people, we should hunger for His Word
    • Let us be the the people who
      • Seek God with all that we are
      • Trust God with all that we have
      • Honor God with all that we do.