Genesis: Day 4 1:14-19

Genesis: Day 4 1:14-19

This week we look at day four with the creation of the sun, moon, and stars.  Don’t miss the magnitude of God’s creation in these things that we can barely seem to measure yet God speaks them into existence in an instant.  In a Word, God calls from nothing...
Genesis: Day 4 1:14-19

Genesis: Day 3 pt 2: 1:11-13

This week we pickup on the second part of day three looking at the creation of plants.  The earth is commanded to bring forth plants – God giving it purpose.  These plants are created fully complete, mature, and ready to continue a reproductive cycle immediately...
Genesis: Day 4 1:14-19

Genesis: Day 3: 1:9-10

This week we look at day three of creation with God separating the waters from the dry land and preparing for the plant life to come in next week’s study. (Gen 1:9 ESV) And God said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place,...
Genesis: Day 4 1:14-19

Genesis: Day 2: Genesis 1:6-8

Day two of creations introduces some interesting elements in the narrative – and some very big questions about the origin and purpose of our world. (Gen 1:6 ESV) And God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the...
Doctrines: The Church: Audio – July 11, 2021

Doctrines: The Church: Audio – July 11, 2021

The church is both the universal and local people called by the Holy Spirit and redeemed by Jesus alone.  Our citizenship is secure in heaven and our devotion on earth is the work of God.  We are baptized into His body and led by men called of God to the roles of...