Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible Reflection The Bible is the inspired Word of God given to His people and revealed by the Holy Spirit.  It is complete and without error in its content and given to individual believers with the intent of instructing them in who God is...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: The Bible

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: The Bible The Bible is the inspired Word of God given to His people and revealed by the Holy Spirit.  It is complete and without error in its content and given to individual believers with the intent of instructing them in who God is and...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: Ordinances

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: Ordinances Jesus commands the church to baptize new believers and remember His sacrifice in communion.  Both of these are symbols of the work Christ has done and illustrate the gospel.  The Biblical mode of baptism is by immersion of a...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Devotional: Doctrines: Ordinances

Devotional: Doctrines: Ordinances Reflection Jesus commands the church to baptize new believers and remember His sacrifice in communion.  Both of these are symbols of the work Christ has done and illustrate the gospel.  The Biblical mode of baptism is by immersion of...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Devotional: Doctrines: The Trinity

Devotional: Doctrines: The Trinity Reflection: Ephesians 1:3-14 God the Father (Eph 1:3 ESV)  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, (Eph 1:4 ESV)  even as he chose us...
Devotional: Doctrines: The Bible

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: The Trinity

Sunday Notes: Doctrines: The Trinity No where in the Bible will you find the word _______________ In most churches’ statements of belief you will find little if any mention of the _______________ of the Trinity.   This concept is foreign to our limited...