Devotional: Mary and Joseph

Devotional: Mary and Joseph

Reflection Read Mary’s Magnificat in Luke 1:46-55: (Luk 1:46 ESV) And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, (Luk 1:47 ESV) and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, (Luk 1:48 ESV) for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on...
Devotional: Mary and Joseph

Sunday Notes: Mary and Joseph

Mary Luke 1:26-56 The angel __________ comes to Mary with a Word from __________. She is __________, engaged, to a man named Joseph She is said for be __________ by God Which says more of God than it does of Mary God’s will and desire is unconditional on our status...
Devotional: Mary and Joseph

Characters of Christmas: John the Baptist 2021-11-07

John the Baptist is the promised prophet, the herald to announce the Messiah.  He is also one set apart for the word of God and shows us an unwavering character for the mission God placed on his life.  From top to bottom, JTB preaches the same message to everyone...
Devotional: Mary and Joseph

Devotional: John the Baptist 2021-11-07

Reflection Philippians 1:21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Discussion Jesus came eating and drinking with sinners, tax collectors and those detestable to the Jews of His day.  For this, they denounced Jesus.  John the Baptist came in the highest...
Sunday Notes: JTB (John the Baptist) 2021-11-07

Sunday Notes: JTB (John the Baptist) 2021-11-07

Identity: Luke 1:13-17 JTB is the long awaited son of ____________ and ____________ A family of the tribe of ____________ in the nation ____________ His father was a ____________ in the Jewish religion. JTB was related to ____________, the Messiah, and sent as the...