Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Reflection Read:Luke 14:25-35 Discussion When you hear the word commitment, what comes to mind?  Maybe it is an agreement between an employer and employee for wages and work.  Maybe the vows of marriage between a husband and wife: until death do we part.  Maybe it is...
Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Sunday Notes: Ruth: 1:6-10

(Rth 1:6 ESV) Then she __________ with her daughters-in-law to return from the country of __________, for she had heard in the fields of Moab that the __________ had visited his people and given them __________. Then she arose Genesis 4:8, Genesis 6:18, Genesis 17:7,...
Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Ruth: An Exposition: 1:1-5

The book of Ruth opens with a whole lot of information in rapid succession.  We see very quickly a family looking for a better life outside of the direction God has given.  In the first five verses their lives are completely turned over, and over, and over again as...
Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Devotional: Ruth 1:1-5

Reflection (Rth 1:1 ESV) In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons. (Rth 1:2 ESV) The name of the man was Elimelech and the name of his...
Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Sunday Notes: Ruth 1:1-5

(Rth 1:1 ESV) In the days when the __________ ruled there was a __________ in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in __________ went to sojourn in the country of __________, he and his wife and his two sons. After Moses and the wanderings After the Israelites arrive in...
Devotional: Ruth: 1:6-10

Ruth: An Exposition: Intro

This week we begin a new series in the book of Ruth.  A fitting title might be The Road to Redemption as we see a family absolutely devastated by life events then restored by the grace of God. Join us s we journey through the short book of Ruth this winter. Notes...