Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Reflection Read the entire chapter of 1 Samuel 8 Discussion Have you ever felt envious?  Envy is defined as:   a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.   Israel envied other nations. ...
Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Sunday Notes: Herod and the Romans

Intro: Peace Daniel 2:20-22 Romans 13:1-7 1 Peter 2:13-15 Titus 3:1-2 Rise of Rome Luke 2:1-6 Founded in 753 BC by Romulus and __________ The book of Daniel was written a couple hundred years after his around 530 BC Around 27 BC the __________ place their first...
Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Characters of Christmas: Simeon and Anna 2021-11-28

Many missed the birth of the Messiah, but not everyone.  SImeon and Anna long awaited the Messiah and when He showed up in the temple that day they could not contain their elation at the sight of their Messiah. Sunday Notes: Here Devotional: Here Small Group Outline:...
Devotional: Herod and the Romans

SG: Characters of Christmas: Simeon & Anna

Opening When was a time that you found yourself outside the norm in your family, community, or friend-group? Context Most of the Jews and the Romans missed Jesus the Messiah when He was on the earth.  From the obscure birth in the small town of Bethlehem to the...
Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Devotional: Simeon & Anna 2021-11-28

Reflection Luke 2:21-38 Discussion The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God.  As the third member of the trinity He is co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son.  He inspired men to write the Scriptures and enables us to understand them.  The Holy Spirit...
Devotional: Herod and the Romans

Sunday Notes: Simeon & Anna 2021-11-28

Luke 2:21-38 2:21  According to the ____________ Law, males were circumcised in the temple on the 8th day following birth. At this time they are also named. Jesus, like ____________ the ____________, broke custom in not being named after his father. Genesis 17:12-13...